layout: true name: conflogo class: inverse background-image: url(logo-corner.png) background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: right top background-size: 20% background-origin: padding-box --- template: conflogo ## Coming Up Next .pull-left[ Shane Curcuru ] .pull-right[ Example Slides Title ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # How To: remark ## Shane's Example Slides Created by
Shane Curcuru
--- layout: true name: logort class: left background-image: url(logo-corner.png) background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: right top background-size: 20% background-origin: padding-box --- layout: true name: logorb class: left background-image: url(logo-corner.png) background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: right bottom background-size: 20% background-origin: padding-box --- template: logort ## Review Objectives With the number of related presentations I'm giving these days, I want a simple way to edit and re-purpose content without being tied down to a single OS or application. So here is my review of some simple slideshow JS tools using markdown for content! .footnote[Footnote: I'm using the same core content to test out several common slide tools.] --- variable: This is a variable from Markdown template: logorb ## Authoring Requirements * Write in a well-supported Markdown flavor: * For easy re-purposing of content bits * Use my own favorite editors * Checkin slides to github to share easily at perma-URLs * Allow quick outlining and versioning of content * Provide easy programmable settings for common features * Simple conference branding (update deck to add corner logo, etc.) * Basic formatting/image support * Non-cryptic syntax that won't break for un-obvious reasons ??? Rich **speaker notes support**, both *during slideshows* and for export. Preferably formatted in markdown. --- ## FEATURE: Slide Builds * Basic images and themeable formatting * Step thru content within slides -- * remark has a template feature... -- * ... that allows incremental builds... -- * of simple slides line by line --- name: Basic Slideshow Requirementz template: logorb ## Basic Slideshow Requirements * Runs in any browser - not tied to machine, OS, settings * Quick local play for practice & editing cycles * Simple to run offline with single (smallish) directory of content * Minimze dependencies to avoid maintenance of old decks * Bonus: basic variables like this slide name: {{ name }} --- template: logorb variable: This should work in speaker notes too! ## Presentation Slideshow Requirements * Strong presenter mode * Readable speaker notes * Slide preview * Timer * Help for navigation * Runs purely offline at conference with minimal setup * All dependencies can be easily stored locally * Strong PDF export feature for standalone handouts * Reasonable quality and pagination * Include speaker notes * To present slides: press `C` then `P` ??? Robust speaker notes that have a strong appearance in presenter mode, as well as on export. Speaker notes support variables: {{ variable }} --- template: logorb ## Other Review Notes * Is the project's README helpful and friendly? * Is there a super-simple "Do 1,2,3 to get setup"? * Is the software going to be maintained? Active community? * Ease, power, and documentation of theming and customizations * License (Apache, MIT, BSD, etc.) and cost --- template: logorb ## FEATURE: Slide Columns .left-column[ ## Left-Column Head ### - Left Item 1 ### - Left Item 2 ] .right-column[ Text in the right-column. More examples in the right-column: .pull-left[ - This is a mini list .red[*] - In a pull-left section ] .pull-right[ ```
Hello, World! HTML code sample .pull-right is here
``` ] The right-column has a trailing paragraph after the pull-* elements. ] .footnote[.red[*] This is a .foodnote with a .red asterisk] --- template: logorb ## FEATURE: Quotes This slide has simple paragraph to start with. - List Item 1 - List Item 2 > “Every slide deck should include a URL where session attendees can go run the deck at home, with any connected browser - or PDF.” .bqcite[Author unknown] - List Item 3[This is an .aside element with .red turned on.] --- ## FEATURE: Images I tend to limit images in my slides. But here's my photo:
.bqcite[Julian Cash Photography] --- name: last-page template: inverse ## Thank You & Questions! .footnote[By: [@ShaneCurcuru]( |
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