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The Apache Way

A Full Day Track Of Expert ASF Speakers

Join us Wednesday at ApacheCon Miami for a full day track focusing on the Apache Way, and how you or your company can make the best of participating in Apache projects.

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The Apache Way

Wednesday Schedule

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Apache Way: Concepts in Practice

Shane Curcuru


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Apache Way: Concepts in Practice

This will introduce the track, and briefly cover some of the ways we practice the Apache Way (community, consensus, async communication, three +1s, etc.) along with some of the reasons/rationale behind it.

This will likely be somewhat high concept, and I want to spend a little time explaining some of the terms and concepts that others will be using later. I will not be going into history or how we started; what people want to know is how to get involved with projects efficiently now.

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A Tale Of Two Developers

Andrew Wang & Alex Leblang


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A Tale Of Two Developers

Our talk contextualizes the Apache Way for developers who are paid to work on open-source full-time, drawn from our real-world experience working at Cloudera. This is presented through a series of short vignettes accompanied by intervening discussion and review slides. Tenets of the Apache Way like meritocracy, community, and hats are introduced and referred to throughout as the backbone to building strong open-source communities. We examine the tension between corporate pressures and open-source, emphasizing the underlying value that companies gain from open-source software.

Our two main characters are:

  • Alex, an energetic young developer who is new to open source but not to development. Excited to get stuff done on this new project.
  • Andrew, a long-time Apache committer who takes Alex under his wing and teaches him the importance of open-source.

The outline for our skits are:

  • Act 1: Introduction to Apache and the Apache Way, FAQs from Alex as someone getting started as a new contributor
  • Act 2: How to build consensus when there’s conflict (e.g. someone -1’s your patch), public communication, demonstrating merit and the path to committership
  • Act 3: No jerks allowed. Andrew does a heel turn and is ruling the project with an iron fist, Alex intervenes in a come-to-jesus/student-becomes-the-teacher moment. Re-emphasize the importance of community, and how dictators are bad for projects.

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From dev@ to user@

Steve Blackmon


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From dev@ to user@

This talk will be a survey of challenges faced when establishing an ASF project and the many dimensions of project maturity.

We’ll examine the ways that project code, community, documentation, and vision must evolve in order to decrease the degree of familiarity necessary to benefit from (and contribute to) the project.

Examples drawn from the journey of Podling Streams, color commentary from everyone in the room will be very welcome.


  • The Quadrants of Project Maturity: Vision, Community, Code, Documentation
  • Community: engage,d organized, aware
  • Documentation: helpful, engaging, current

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Software is Easy; People are Hard

Benjamin Young


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Software is Easy; People are Hard #1/3

A lively panel discussion with several long-time ASF contributors.

Organizing Organizations Organically

  • What is it that makes dealing with people harder than dealing with software?
  • “Managing” people takes many forms…what makes “Community Over Code” (i.e. the Apache Way) suited to this task?
  • What are the trade offs between community focused vs. command-and-control (i.e. most businesses) management models?
  • Leaders vs. managers. Discuss. ;)
  • What about outside influence/constraints (businesses) in a collaborative community?

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Software is Easy; People are Hard #2/3

Engagement With The Community

  • So I’ve got this project…how do I get volunteers?
  • How do I keep them?
  • What if they want a BDFL or (worse) to be the BDFL?
  • How do you handle failed volunteer promises?
  • What about “trouble makers” or “poisonous people”?

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Software is Easy; People are Hard #3/3

ASF Process – Who do I turn to? What do I do?

  • Scenario: “I feel trapped in my project. Everyone’s depending on me to do the work. Everyone needs something. No bodies helping out… Help?!”
  • Scenario: “I feel ganged up on by the other contributors…I don’t want to be that person in the project…but everyone else is wrong?!”
  • Scenario: “I’ve built a project on GitHub. I’m the BDFL. I want to transition to the ASF because community over code. What can I do now to make that happen?”
  • Scenario: “I have a project in incubation. It’s like pulling teeth to get people to care about it…but I care! What can I do to graduate short of becoming a traveling spokesman?”
  • Scenario: “I’m burnt out…I’ve been at Apache for N number of years… Can/should I just disappear? Won’t everyone hate me? How do I bow out gracefully…at least for now…?”

Wrapping Up and Audience Q&A

  • One piece of advice from each panelist on what someone new to the “Community Over Code” model should/could hold on to while diving into an ASF (or similarly structured) project.

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The Apache Way To Bring Your Project To The Incubator

Nick Burch


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How to bring your project to the Apache Incubator (or)

Everything to consider when bringing your (corporate?) project to the ASF and the Apache Incubator.

Case studies of how companies have successfully updated their projects and changed working habits to be more successful as an Apache project

  • and to get through the incubator efficiently!

Blurb for program:

We want to Open Source our project - that’s just a tick box, right? No? OK, so what is the Apache Way, and how can we bring our great new project to the Apache Incubator and sitll be successful as a business?

Join us as we look at several real world examples of where companies have chosen to contribute their existing open source projects to the Apache Software Foundation and the Incubator project. We’ll see the advantages the companies and projects got from it, the problems faced along the way, why they did it, and how it helped their business and the project alike. We’ll also look briefly at where it may not be the right fit.

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Committed To Apache

Sharan Foga


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Committed To Apache

This talk will cover the concepts of community, commitment and merit and how being involved in an Apache project is not only about contributing code.

Theme will be linked to institution and use terminology:

Entering the Facility (i.e first look at Apache, & getting involved)

Imates in Charge (i.e. No one in charge and everyone in charge concept)

Invisible Friends (i.e collaborating with people you cant see, virtual community)

Possible catch phrases:

1.Don’t let words or titles fool you- you don’t have to be a committer to be committed to a Apache 2.It’s not a hierachy, it’s a community 3.Think we, not me 4.No-one in charge and everyone in charge

From Shane’s Apache Way

5.Merit is not just for code 6.You gain merit by doing things the community values

Other concepts:

  1. Your own passkey- you have visibility into all project code, documentation, website, process: you can fix anything yourself.
  2. Only know fellow committers by what they write (in mails or code)

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Thank You & Questions!

Join us at ApacheCon Miami!