Slides About The Apache Way

Slides About The Apache Way

Here are some useful slide decks about The Apache Way. These have been presented by some amazing Apache committers and Members at ApacheCon and a variety of other open source conferences in the past 15 years. This is a curated selection of publicly posted slide decks.

Note that in the past, these talks were often an overview of history and how the ASF is organized, along with touching on the behavioral and community aspects of the Apache Way. For a time, they were a common main track presentation at the start of ApacheCon.

The Apache Way slot at ApacheCon morphed over time into the “State of the Feather”, which is now given by an officer of the ASF. It is more of a snapshot about the health of the ASF as an organization - not just it’s component projects, but the corporation and operations that keep the servers running and the press releases and tweets and events coming too.

So, too, morphs the Apache Way talk of today, focusing much more on the behaviors and practices that are core to running a successful and diverse community-led project.

For more learning about The Apache Way:

Inner Source And The Apache WAy

JimJag - InnerSource Commons 2017

This is an advanced talk using the aspects of the Apache Way to lead corporate developers and managers how to use InnerSource - taking open source / open development concepts for use inside the firewall and inside corporate development teams.

Top Aspects Covered

  • Meritocracy
  • Peer-based
  • Consensus decision making
  • Collaborative development
  • Responsible oversight
  • Individual participation

Quotable Bits

  • Focus on community
  • Focus on the un-aligned volunteer contributor

  • Since we are all volunteers, people’s time and interests change
  • A healthy community is “warm and inviting” and encourages a continued influx of developers
  • Poisonous people/communities turn people off, and the project will die

  • Open and asynchronous
  • Doesn’t disenfranchise anyone
  • Maintains history and allows ebb/flow of participants

  • Transparency: You can only reuse what you can see

  • Communities can create durable assets, processes and culture

  • Merit: Technical decisions made by technical experts, with earned authority in that community

  • A Community is not the same as a team:
    • Self organizing
    • Self identifying
    • Working in own time frames

The Apache Way - Amalgamation

Daniel Ruggeri - 2015 UMiss

This is a new Apache Member’s amalgamation of many past Apache Way slide decks, covering all the points in a detailed yet condensed way.

Quotable Bits

  • Clear steps through all other common themes of past slide decks
  • “The board runs the foundation, not the projects”
  • “The code is owned by the foundation” (but: really just licensed)
  • “Community agrees on direction - (but) Individuals then make it happen”
  • “Pragmatic and permissive - Maximum freedom for users”

Final slide

The Apache way is….. Meritocracy – those who do, decide Participation – by individuals with peer review Oversight – responsible and independent Decisions – made by consensus Collaboration – public and asynchronous

The Apache Way

Nick Burch - ApacheCon North America 2015

This is a modern version of the early classic Apache Way talks, that emphasizes all the past people who helped create the content.

Top Aspects Covered

  • History lesson
  • Apache by the numbers & graphs
  • Structure/governance of the ASF and projects
  • Example: Jakarta & Umbrellas -> flattened, each project reports on community health; can’t measure if not same community
  • Merit and different kinds of contributions
  • Decision making
  • Link to poisonous people video
  • Brief list of ways corporations to contribute (different than as individuals)

“Foundation has some common support (eg infra, press, trademarks), to help projects focus on their code and on their communities”

Problem areas: Umbrella projects: who is responsible / who can evaluate the work or new contributors?

“Merit does not buy you authority (community must still agree)” “Merit gets you privileges: commit access, voting on committers”

Training Our Team The Apache Way

Alan Gates - ApacheCon Europe Keynote 2016

Short but powerfully presented deck about Hortonworks’ internal employee training on the Apache Way. Internal one-hour training session; started with developers & project management, but rolling out throughout company.

“Apache has ways to train new community members and new communities - e.g. the Incubator”

Key points: Apache Way; permissive license; why their company chose to work this way; how to be an employee & committer both; trademarks and proper use.

Great distillation of Apache Way messages in context of employee teams.

  • Act as individuals “The fact that you’re a manager or an architect or a founder [at our company] doesn’t mean anything in Apache [communities]”

The Apache Way

Nick Burch - ApacheCon Europe 2014

Earlier version of the 2015 talk.

Open Source At Scale

Bertrand Delacretaz - ApacheCon 2013

Graphics-heavy version presented in Bertrand’s inimitable style (and hats).

Writing And Distributing Software The Apache Way

Justin Erenkrantz - OSBC 2010

  • Historical perspective
  • PMCS are each separate merit structures
  • Voting, communication and consensus techniques
  • Define many terms (it was still the early days of explaining the Apache Way)
  • “No jerks allowed” - a key early message
    • FOSS communities value group contributors, not lone wolves
    • Diverse communities that can attract new contributors over time