The ASF Way

The ASF Way - Effective Open Source Project Management | Community Over Code - Denver | Slides
The ASF Way - Effective Open Source Project Management


The Apache Way is useful for organizations and individuals to be more effective at working in distributed communities. Open source software does not necessarily mean open development - and true community-led open development is where the fun starts in working in FOSS!

There are a lot more aspects to consider and areas to invest in as you move forward through the open source journey. These are just the starting points to work on.

Key updates this year is a section on Charity - fundamental to the ASF’s non-profit mission, plus a pragmatic part of our method in ensuring maximum inbound contributions, as well as updated slide notes and more links between the behavior and the why.

Remember: these slides are open source - I’d love your patches, as well as questions or ideas of how to better explain the relationship between these behaviors and how Apache projects document themselves in real life.

The behaviors you can use to succeed at Apache.

Originally published October 8, 2024 | View revision history

Shane is founder of Punderthings℠ LLC consultancy, helping organizations find better ways to engage with the critical open source projects that power modern technology and business. He blogs and tweets about open source governance and trademark issues, and speaks at open source conferences like ApacheCon, OSCON, All Things Open, Community Leadership Summit, and Ignite. More about the author →

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